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Portable PCM Processing System with Direct Ethernet Connection to Any Laptop

The new ARCHI system allows the telemetry user to travel without a large computer housing a standalone 3U PCIe card. The ARCHI system is the size of a textbook and connects to a laptop via USB-C PD and Ethernet. The ARCHI receives PCM data with and without clock and performs bit and frame synchronization, PCM decommutation, PCM simulation with an IRIG Time Code Reader. Through the USB-C PD port, the ARCHI will be fully powered and operational.

The PCM decommuated data from the ARCHI will be available on the user’s laptop running the Ulyssix ALTAIR software (included with the ARCHI system). Data will be displayed, analyzed, stored, and/or Ethernet transported in either PCM UDP transport, Chapter 10 PCM data packets, Chapter 7 integrated data packets, or TMoIP packets to other users.

The fully integrated ARCHI housing contains the Ulyssix Tarsus4-PCIe 4th generation, a Raspberry PI ARM processor card with a PCIe slot, and power regulation. The ALTAIR software interfaces to the ARCHI system via Ethernet communication to allow for a fully portable solution for the PCM user that does testing at different remote sites.


Bit Synchronizer

  • Accepts all IRIG 106 PCM code types

  • Bit Sync programmable input rates from 1 bps to 40 Mbps

  • Less than 1 dB to theoretical bitsync BER performance

  • All IRIG 106 codetypes are selectable for PCM output


Frame Synchronizer

  • Supports PCM streams from 1 bps up to 50 Mbps

  • Supports up to 1024 minor frames per major frame and 16Mb per minor frame

  • Frame Sync Archive capability

  • Advanced algorithm to allow for varying frame sizes


PCM Simulator

  • Programmable PCM streams from 1 bps up to 40 Mbps

  • Ulyssix .tad frame sync file and Chapter 10 Archive playback capability

  • Fixed major frame simulator utilizing defined waveform & tabular data to output

  • Selectable output code type

  • TTL and RS-422 output capability




  • Supports all IRIG Class II decommutator features with variable word length from 3 - 64 bits, format switching, parameter concatenation, and asynchronous embedded formats

  • High speed data transfer of user word selected channels to the PCI bus for disk storage and playback

  • Two on card DACs for word analog output

  • Full parameter math processing​


  • All current software, firmware, and driver version numbers stored for easy retrieval

  • Current card setup configuration is stored for verification of proper setup

  • Direct download to file for transfer to Ulyssix for evaluation and recommendations

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