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40 Mbps PCM Processor

Ulyssix's 3rd Generation totally integrated Tarsus3 Processor for PCIe includes digital Bit Sync/Frame Sync/PCM Decom/PCM Simulator/IRIG Time Code Reader. The Tarsus3 advances Ulyssix’s PCM processing capability by using the PCIe half length form factor to allow the Tarsus3 to be integrated into traditional computers running both the Ulyssix ALTAIR software suite.


The Tarsus3 Processor board is powered by the latest INTEL ARRIA V with the FPGA firmware being user reconfigurable using Ulyssix supplied FlashBurn software.

Tarsus3-PCIe board

Bit Synchronizer

  • Designed using all DSP filter algorithms in FPGA technology for maximum performance capability

  • Accepts all IRIG 106 PCM code types

  • Bit Sync programmable input rates from 1 bps to 40 Mbps

  • Less than 1 dB to theoretical bitsync BER performance

  • All IRIG 106 codetypes are selectable for PCM output


Frame Synchronizer

  • Supports PCM streams from 1 bps up to 40 Mbps

  • Supports up to 1024 minor frames per major frame and 16Mb per minor frame

  • Frame Sync Archive capability

  • Advanced algorithm to allow for varying frame sizes


IRIG Time Code Reader

  • Separate analog path onto card

  • Supports IRIG A, B, G & NASA-36

  • Used for both IRIG time display and/or minor frame time tag header information

PCM Simulator

  • Programmable PCM streams from 1 bps up to 40 Mbps

  • Frame Sync Archive playback capability

  • Fixed major frame simulator utilizing defined waveform & tabular data to output

  • Forward Error Corrected output capable

  • Selectable output code type TTL and RS-422 output capability



  • Supports all IRIG Class II decommutator features with variable word length from 3 - 64 bits, format switching, parameter concatenation, and asynchronous embedded formats

  • High speed data transfer of user word selected channels to the PCI bus for disk storage and playback

  • Two on card DACs for word analog output

  • Full parameter math processing

  • Available with two different user friendly Windows GUI based software suites for full setup of format frame, word selection, channel display capability, and optional client/server capability

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