PCM Products
Ulyssix’s 4th generation PCM processor, the Tarsus4, advances Ulyssix’s PCM processing capability by utilizing the PCIe form factor to integrate a single or dual PCM bit sync/frame sync/decommutator/simulator/GPS Receiver/IRIG time code reader in the same housing with other test and measurement instrumentation (i.e., frame grabber, signal conditioning, spectrum analyzers, etc.). The Tarsus4 can be setup and controlled using the Ulyssix ALTAIR software or custom software easily written using Ulyssix
supplied drivers and .dll.
[ Tarsus4-PCIe / Tarsus3-PCIe / Tarsus3-cPCI / Gryphon PCM / Gryphon PCM-DC ]
RF Products
Multi-mode complex down-converters and two independent multi-mode up-converters that cover the RF bands of C-Band, S-Band, Upper-L Band, Lower-L Band, P-Band extended, P-Band and 70MHz IF. Each receiver input and RF generator output have a very broad dynamic range.
FM/FM Products
DSP based FM single, dual, or quad Demultiplexing units utilizing the Tarsus3 board.
Data Link Analyzers
Products providing precise measurements of bit sync performance with a known data pattern, as well as a full round-trip link delay calculation. Utilizing the long established Tarsus3 and BaldEagle RF Bit Sync/Frame Sync/Decom/PCM Simulator/IRIG time code reader, the LQ Tester is able to transmit a prestored pseudo-randomized pattern, or a user defined simulated pattern to the unit under test.
[ LQ Tester / Gryphon RF ]
ALTAIR Software Suite
The Ulyssix ALTAIR Software Suite is designed to work with any of the Ulyssix family of products in a Windows based environment. The ALTAIR Software Suite is ideal for a Real-Time Checkout application. With self built widgets, no compiling is necessary when creating new displays. Giving full frame archiving capability, this software utilizing the Ulyssix hardware can archive the raw frame dump data to a designated hard drive. This archived data can then be played back using the Bald Eagle™ or Tarsus3™ archive simulator for further processing. Easy to follow setups, self diagnostic tools, and various adaptable displays are just a few attributes that set the ALTAIR Software apart from the rest.
Turn-Key Systems
Ulyssix has created the ALTAIR system as a fully integrated customizable solution to meet the customer needs. Ulyssix offers single or multiple channels, including support of RF, PCM Processing, Data Acquisition, Graphical Real-Time Displays, and Post Analysis software processing with complete network interfacing.